Site Information
Online Resources
We've collected many resources from all across the web - hopefully, one of the most comprehensive collections that you'll find online. They are organised in the following categories:
Here are is a small sample of the links listed in the categories above. The Dark Crystal does not control the content of these links nor does The Dark Crystal necessarily endorse all of the viewpoints expressed on each site. If you have suggestions about any of the links on this site or find a broken link, please contact us.
- The Dark Crystal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Wikipedia entry for The Dark Crystal.
- Web:
- IGN: Interview with Jerry Nelson
- IGN Movies is the ultimate resource for movies featuring trailers, pictures, images, soundtracks, interviews, DVDs, cast, reviews, and release dates.
- Web:
- The Dark Crystal Review -
- The Dark Crystal, besides being a dazzling technological and artistic achievement by a band of talented artists and performers, presents a dark side of Muppet creators Jim Henson and Frank Oz that could teach a lesson in morality to youngsters at the same time it is entertaining their parents.
- Web:
- DVD Center - das ONLINE Magazin: Der dunkle Kristall (1982)
- Ausfuhrliche Kritiken - Umfassende Informationen - Aktuelle News - Interaktive Dienstleistungen [German]
- Web:
- The Dark Crystal Webring
- WebRing: This ring is dedicated to the wonderful movie from Jim Henson called The Dark Crystal and to the sequel: The Power of the Dark Crystal. If you have a page or something related about these movies on your website please join. You are welcome!
- Web:
Linking Guide
Please use the following information when linking your site to ours:
- Title:
- The Dark Crystal
- Description:
- The Dark Crystal, a fantasy film, chronicles the journey of the Gelfling, Jen, in his quest to fulfil an ancient Prophecy. All the while, the peaceful Mystics and the cruel Skeksis carry out the rituals that signal the coming of the Great Conjunction... Another world. Another time. In the Age of Wonder...
- Web Address:
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